Motorcycle Accident Information

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If you've been involved in a motorcycle accident, call me. I can help. Often times when I represent folks, they get in a motorcycle accident and they don't seek help right away, and that could be a big problem for a couple of reasons. One, if you tough it out and wait a couple of weeks or a month before seeing a doctor or getting some help, the insurance companies will hold it against you. And they'll say, "If you didn't get help right away, then you weren't hurt." The other thing is if you come to me right away, we can get you to the right doctors to look for and try to detect all the damage and head problem off at the pass.

I recently had the honor of representing a young man who was involved in a motorcycle accident, where, unfortunately, a young lady who was on her driver's permit cut him off and caused him to lay down the motorcycle and he lost a portion of his foot. Very serious injury and he needed help. At the time, other lawyers thought the case did not have a huge upside because he was working at a local chain store as a manager, making really more money than he ever had in his life. But what others failed to see and what I lock in on is, how will this injury affect him, or you, over the entire course of their life? Because often times, these serious injuries will lead to post-traumatic arthritis, a condition that will worsen and deteriorate over time and that will give rise to this loss of wager incapacity claim. I was able to prove by hiring the right experts, that his work life expectancy would be lessened, and the jury returned a very large judgment for his loss of future wage earning claim, even though he was making more money at the time of trial that he ever had.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a motorcycle accident, please give me a call. The call is free. I'll spend the time answering all of your questions and we'll figure out together whether or not you have a case.


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